Getting Started
Arrival time for students at Hearst is at 7:35 a.m. This is when supervision begins on the blacktop and breakfast is served. For their safety, please do not let children come to school earlier. The morning run/walk program also begins at this time.
Children in all grades line up in their designated class area on the blacktop when the bell rings at 7:50 a.m.
Please have students at school on time for the start of the day. Tardy students disrupt the classroom and the students miss important instruction.
If your child is late, they must go to the office to obtain a tardy slip before going to class. If your child will be absent, please call the office before 9 a.m. at (619) 860.5400. School office hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Independent Study Contract
Anytime a student will be out 5 or more "school days", their parent should request a contract from the attendance clerk in our office. Both parent and student will sign it and turn it into the office for us to mark the attendance code. Next we print the students attendance for the principal to check (and sign off on) and forward it, lastly, to their teacher to sign off on it and get their work packet ready. The student picks up their work/homework CONTRACT package on the last day they'll be in class before their vacation. The student then turns in ALL the work and logs they've completed to the teacher upon their return. This request may be processed as early as you have the information, but in no circumstances, less than 2 weeks before the scheduled absence. This allows all the CONTRACT paperwork to be completed, along with giving your teacher appropriate time to put together the work packet.
School Hours at Hearst
M/T/Th/F: 7:50 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Wednesdays: 7:50 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Daily Schedule
7:35 a.m.: Students arrive at school.
Students having breakfast can proceed to cafeteria, while others can participate in our Running Club program or line up in their class area on the blacktop.
7:50 a.m.: First bell, students line up on the blacktop, and walk to class with teacher
Please do not allow children to arrive before 7:35 a.m. There is NO supervision at the school until then except for our paid Champions before school program.
Morning Recess
Grades 1 - 5: 10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
UTK/Kinder: 9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Lunch and Lunch Recess
- UTK: 11:15-11:55am
- Kindergarten: 12-12:40pm
1st, 2nd grade:11:40am-12:20pm
3rd: 12-12:40pm
- 4th & 5th grade: 12:20-1pm
Students may bring a lunch or get one in the cafeteria. For more information, visit the breakfast and lunch page at